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What Actually is Shared Hosting

If you have made a decision to create your very own personal site, but are not very certain about what a web site is and are unfamiliar with the expression "shared hosting", this article is devoted to clarifying these concepts in simple words.

What precisely is a web site?

A website is a combination of webpages gathered systematically. It has a special web address, also called a URL (Uniform Resource Locator). A web site may contain only one single web page and sometimes may even consist of as many as 1000 webpages.

What is a hosting server?

Unlimited storage
Unlimited bandwidth
5 websites hosted
30-Day Free Trial
$3.92 / month
Unlimited storage
Unlimited bandwidth
Unlimited websites hosted
30-Day Free Trial
$8.67 / month

A hosting server enables you to upload your website onto it. In some instances, there might be even 1000's of web sites on one single web hosting server. The web hosting server essentially is a computer with special hardware, which is held in a data center facility with special cooling systems, whose mission is to ensure the seamless operation of the server and all the web sites accommodated on it.

In brief, a hosting server will be really a launch pad when the time comes for you to launch your web site. It could be any sort of website - a corporate site consisting of lots of webpages, or a website, which contains only several web pages and which you have created simply for your mates and relatives.

You've reached a decision about what your website will be, now what?

Once you have reached a decision about what type of site you would like to set up, the next move is to find out what sort of web hosting service you must select for your Internet adventure. Basically, there are two types of hosting services - charge-free website hosting services and paid web hosting services. The cost-free website hosting solution is commonly used by individuals that do not possess a business-related site.

Pluses and minuses of the cost-free website hosting solution

You will not get plenty of features with a charge-free website hosting plan. Features like bandwidth, memory and hosting space are restricted and inadequate for an elaborate ecommerce web site or a corporate site, or even for a site with a lot of graphics. Additionally, there are lots of adverts embedded on your site by the web hosting provider. These adverts occupy lots of space on your website and are extremely frustrating.

Shared web hosting

The professional paid shared web hosting services tend to be more stable and include many sophisticated features apart from the high-power web hosting server that will host your website and its content. Nonetheless, it is essential to know which features your site demands prior to choosing your web hosting package. You should not hurry and wind up investing cash in something that your site does not require.

Select your web hosting accounts provider

It is not difficult to find a web hosting plans provider. You need to just carry out an online search in order to find a web hosting solutions provider that fulfills your web site's requirements. Before you take your actual decision, have a glimpse at the specifications of the packages provided by the web hosting distributors that have attracted your attention. We, for instance, are among the leading hosting companies on the marketplace now. The extensive range of web hosting services and our prices are what makes us an appealing option. Nevertheless, you must determine what sort of hosting service you require and whether the price fits your budget. Besides, you must not forget to check the web hosting provider's Terms of Service prior to opening an account to make sure that your website is not violating them.

Opening a hosting account

As soon as you have found out what features are optimal for your website, the next step is to sign up for an account with the web hosting packages provider of your preference. You will obtain all the necessary tools for handling your website files and databases. With us, for instance, you will receive a Control Panel, which has domain name, website, database and e-mailbox administration sections. You log into the Control Panel using your unique user name and password, which grants you secure access to the part of the server where your site will be hosted.

Uploading your web site

You can either upload your web files via FTP client software or, as is with the majority of hosting vendors, via a web-based tool that is included within the web hosting Control Panel. With us, the File Manager is pretty user-friendly and offers features comparable to those encountered in Windows Explorer, which renders file management exceptionally easy. We offer also a website builder and a PHP script installer, which you can use to create your web site if you have no programming expertise and are taking your very first steps in web design. The web-based site builder, called SiteStudio, will also save you the time and effort of making a web site on your computer and then uploading it via an FTP client or the File Manager interface.